On the path of self discovery. I've found myself 30, divorced, and very unhappy. I'm hoping with this blog I can share with my loved ones what I am going through in this journey, without judgement from them. This is my life, the only one I've got, and I'm determined to be happy.
Wednesday, August 31, 2011
Prison Update :) - This is really only for Andrea.......lol
Could it get any worse?
Nah, probably not. I hope. But I suppose maybe.
I'm learning that there allot of things that you just don't talk about when it comes prison. I found out that Eric was taken to the hole yesterday, and for those of you who don't know, it's solitary confinement. I have no idea why he is in there, and I'm hoping it's nothing terrible, but it can't be good. The bright side of all this, is I do get to still see him in just a few days. I guess you can say that I'm really happy this all worked out, me getting in my wreck and him getting in trouble really couldn't have had better timing. That sounds totally bad, but the fact that I already had this trip planned before either of these 'events' happened really amazes me.
Let's just say he hadn't gotten in trouble, I came to visit and then he went to solitary confinement. He's not allowed to email and he is only allowed one phone call per week. He is allowed to write, but he is pretty bad about the whole snail mail thing, so I have no idea what to expect. I do expect him to use his phone call to call his mother, but knowing him...... I'll be hearing from him. Silly prisoner.
I just want to know what is going on. I want to know what has led up to this, he isn't the only one in there and this has affected my friendships with several of the girls I've met, but that's only because none of us know what's happening, none of us want to get too involved and I'm pretty sure we are all frustrated and mad. I'm starting to refer to this stuff as prison bullshit, because that is exactly what it is.
Don't ever go to prison people, it's not all sunshine and rainbows.
Monday, August 29, 2011
So, I went to court today.
Would you believe me if I told you that I was the person in the worst situation? I was sure that I'd be in a room full of people with DUI's, people with similar stories, but nope. I'm awesome. (No, I'm really not.... I'm ashamed and embarrassed).
Surprisingly, it wasn't that bad. I sat in the courtroom for probably half an hour before the judge finally called me to the stand, where I immediately burst into tears. Shocking, I know, I'm such a hard ass normally, but for some reason I couldn't keep it in. He informed me that what I was about to go through would be much easier then the experience I had on Saturday. I ended up with a $700 fine PLUS the $20 seatbelt ticket, which, I was more then happy to pay for. I'm still stuck on the seatbelt thing, because I ALWAYS WEAR MY SEATBELT. I cannot express that enough. Not only do I always wear it, but my car does this really annoying beep when I'm not wearing it, so....??
Of course I have the ACT class that I have to go to, and I had to go to the jail for what they call "book and release", where basically I had to have my mugshot taken and be finger printed. That was an interesting experience, the officers were all very friendly. I feel like I wasn't their "typical" jail bird, especially on a Monday, in the middle of the afternoon. The deputy, of course, knew my father, as did the judge, so he was extra nice. Deputy Johnson was telling me how I wouldn't have wanted to be there Saturday night anyways, because of all the drunk people. lol I'm not sure if he didn't look at my ticket or what, but I just laughed. I did tell him that I was a bit of a "handful" on Saturday. I am very happy to now know that at least I look decent in my mugshot. I saw my reflection in the mirror Saturday night.... NOT PRETTY. Not even a little. Actually, it was quite scary.
I also get the pleasure of spending 24 hours in jail. The good news is, it's not real jail, it's a room with a couple bunk beds and I get to bring a book! I even get to set up a time when it's convenient to me. The receptionist at court referred to it as "big kid time-out". I'm not sure what the point of it is, but sounds like another experience I'll blog about. LUCKY YOU!!!!
All and all, today has been a bit of a blur. I'm still really tired and need to catch up on my sleep. I have now been bombarded with love and attention from my friends and family, which I greatly appreciate, but it's a little overwhelming all at once. I actually am shocked by the response. It's amazing. I know I'm lucky and I'm am so grateful that there are so many people out there that care, and even some who really do understand what I am going through.
I had some time before I had to go to court today, so I decided to go print the photos of my car real quick over at Kinko's. As I walked in, the familiar Kinko's employee said hello (I'm in there allot) and asked me if I had gotten a tattoo. I'm not sure this is the right approach, but I still am dealing with the verbal vomit that keeps deciding to come out of my mouth since the wreck, so I told him the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth.
Too much information? Probably. That and I started to cry when I told him, but part of me wants to hold myself completely accountable for my actions, and one way is to be honest about what happened, whether the guy asked or not. He looked shocked. I told him that no, this was not a tattoo, in fact, it was from a car accident, a very bad accident that I had caused because I was driving drunk. I then proceeded to show him the photos.
This is where the story gets interesting. Kinko's man tells me that he was rear-ended by a drunk driver. He was driving down the interstate, going about 60 mph when he saw a car coming up behind him. He tried to get out of the way, but it was too late. The drunk driver was driving 85, and smashed into the back of his car. I asked if the driver died and he had. The saddest part was the guy driving drunk had his 3 children in the vehicle with him, They all died too.
That broke my heart. This poor innocent bystander. There was nothing he could have done to prevent this. He didn't even know the people, but can you imagine? What if I had killed somebody? What if I had killed one of my closest friends? My sister? A stranger? My dog. For some reason the idea of killing my dog is as bad for me as killing a baby. I don't know if I could live with myself if I had killed somebody. The idea of it is awful.
So that was my day. One step forward and another reminder that life could most definitely be worse. WAY worse.
Sunday, August 28, 2011
Wake Up Call
Tuesday, August 2, 2011
Girl Time.
This is a serious social event where you get together with your lady friends and catch up, usually over a bottle of wine. With my two friends, Jess and Rachel, it was over SEVERAL bottles of wine.
Yes, this morning I have a bit of a headache, but definitely one I can tolerate, making last nights gossip session totally worth the tiny bit of suffering which may happen for part of the day. I'm a bad drinker, because I don't keep any sort of headache medicine in my cupboards, so it's just suffering for a little while, I guess.
So I told each one of them to bring a bottle of wine, not expecting that they'd each bring two. Thank god we started early. Over dinner (we'll call it "blackened pizza" - lol) and drinks we discussed everything, from what's been happening lately to reminiscing about our college years. Ironically, both of my friends are currently engaged. They aren't the only ones either? Why is it the year I get a divorce, everyone else is thinking about marriage? I think it has something to do with the fact that I got married WAY too young and now (when we are in our late 20's early 30's) is the NORMAL time to be thinking about "settling down".
Rachel is getting married! This weekend! How exciting is that? I love weddings and this will be the only one I am attending this summer, so of course I'm stoked. Hopefully I wont bawl during the ceremony, but if I do, I do. They'll be happy tears, not the "self loathing" tears that I despise. I'm hoping those tears go away eventually. AND there is good news concerning that matter. The self loathing tears usually come out after a few glasses of wine, not last night. Nope. I feel good about that. It's a sign that a few drinks with your friends can be good for the soul.
The only thing I want to take back is the VERY HONEST e-mail I decided to send Eric at one in the morning. LOL I'll spare you......
Monday, August 1, 2011
There are two things, well three really, that a year ago I didn't even know existed and now they are my biggest enemy... The yellow line and the beep, two beeps...... Are they prison related? Of course, and maybe I've talked about them before, but the beep really upset me yesterday and got me thinking a little.
What's the beep? Well, let me tell you, it's the one minute warning that the phone is going to hang up when I'm talking to Eric. There's also a thirty second warning, which is also annoying, but I think, for me, it's the fact that we are limited to the amount of time we are allowed to talk. Just give me one night where he can just talk to me until I fall asleep. Is that too much to ask for? I guess so.
Then there is that crappy yellow line that the prisoners aren't supposed to cross when in visitation. It's total shit. They aren't allowed to go to the vending machines or the microwaves. What the hell? I just have a beef with this, that's all and last night when the phone beeped, I said something to Eric about how I hated the beep as much as the yellow line. He responded by reminding me of an e-mail awhile back where I told him I couldn't wait until we could cross the yellow line together and how much that meant to him.... I almost burst into tears for some reason. I was sad. It still comes and goes and that annoys me, so I wrote to Eric....
"Did you hear the sadness in my voice? The phone hung up and I just burst into tears. That stupid effing yellow line. I wonder what the point of it is? I mean besides stripping away your dignity and making you feel like less worthy. What the fuck? It just pisses me off. The short phone calls piss me off. The fact that I can't call you pisses me off. How did I suddenly become pissed off? I was sad a minute ago.
Now I'm laughing at myself for being such a ridiculous emotional mess. What's going on here?"
And this was his response:
I can always tell if you have sadness in your voice. It kills me. I have a hard time not being able to fix this problem. I want to tell you that I will do anything. I will come home right now and be with you tonight, hold you and tell you how much I love you and appreciate you. Tell you how much you mean to me. Tell you everything is going to be alright. Well I can do some of those things. Everything is going to be alright Kristal. We know what we want. To be together. We can make that happen. Our future is already in motion. Every day brings me closer to you.
I hope you have a good day today. I know its Monday but I want you to enjoy today. Be in the moment. Don't worry about yesterday, or tomorrow. Just celebrate the things you have today.
Your ponies love you (he's referring to my cats). Your Shelbster loves your. Your fam loves you. In the end its the only thing that ever mattered."
Now tell me you aren't in love with this prisoner??? Just kidding, there isn't enough of him to go around, but I couldn't help but share this. I got his e-mail and instantly a flip was switched. I went on a ten mile run and now I am back on track. That's all I need. My "words of wisdom" via prisoner and running :)
Happy Monday Ya'll! My August resolution is to find something interesting in my life daily? weekly? to write about. Suggestions welcome, I know everyone doesn't want to hear about the prisoner ALL THE TIME....
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