I could get used to this. Visiting my boyfriend in prison. Sounds sooooooo bad when you're the one on the outside observing the situation, but when it's all I need to do to make me happy, why not? I'm pretty sure it makes him happy as well.
Today was EVEN BETTER! Yay Yay Yay. I got to know a few of Eric's friends and their wives. More on that in a minute. The day started out the same, except with one minor brain fart, I forgot Eric's inmate number. How? I have no idea, it just left my mind. The weirdest feeling, not knowing a number I write down usually multiple times a day, 0 8 8 4 8 0 4 6. Somehow I manage to slip an extra 4 in there. I don't know. LOL.
I was all hyped up on Starbucks coffee, so feeling like my usual bouncy self as we got ourselves through security. I had chosen to wear a dress with "questionable" sleeves, and had remembered to bring a sweater, which they said I had to wear for the entire visit :(. At least I came prepared. Yesterday, I witness two people get turned away. One for having too low cut of a blouse and one for wearing khaki pants, which is the what the inmates wear. I've noticed a number of women wearing these crazy high heels and I've become obsessed. They would most definitely make me look a little taller next to Eric. I don't mind the munchkin look, but I am SOOOOO short. It's ridiculous. I told the photographer today that tomorrow, I will be standing on a chair. He thinks I'm joking.
Let's see, let's see. What happened different today. I definitely felt more comfortable, I knew what to expect. I found myself just as anxious to see Eric as I had been yesterday, but I think that's expected. You're brought into the visitation room in small groups of about ten and I happened to be with Sophia and Jennifer, who are the wives of Bones ("human" name, Corey) and Jojo (I think that's his real name....lol LOVE IT!). We were all seated really close to one another, which made it easier to interact with them. You're really not supposed to get up and "mingle". It's stupid, but we were right in front of Jojo and his wife, so we could easily turn around and talk.....
I'm going to bypass most of the visit. It was pretty much the same as yesterday. Eric does an amazing job of making me laugh. He's hilarious and sweet. He showed me some card tricks. I figured out the one he thought would blow my mind. HA! Pretty clever though. I'm actually surprised that I figured it out really, I'm usually not smart enough to catch on. He had me going on the other ones though. I had NO idea. LOL. The vending machines weren't to bad today. This time, there were issues with the microwave. NICE.
By the end of the visit, I had managed to invite myself to dinner with Jennifer and Sophia. As we were leaving the prison I was talking about the heels and how I needed to get some, and the next thing I know, they are showing me the way to Saffords one decent clothing store, Stage (Stages? I can't remember). By the time we left the place not only did I have my very own pair of stripper heels, but I had a whole new outfit, a purse, some sunglasses, jewelry, and a fake engagement ring (that is a joke, Eric and I like to kid around. LOL) The joke was that they took me out and I found somebody else and got married. LOL I'm sick. I know. It's funny. I figured I could wear it in Vegas to keep the creepers away. I do have to say that these women have a knack for dressing a stranger. It took all but 5 minutes to find heels, some skinny jeans and a shirt that managed to fit perfect.... How'd they do that? My new personal shoppers? Maybe. They are also helping me branch out in the accessory department. Ha! I feel like a barbie doll that they are dressing. The midget version. lol. This is good. Can you tell that I'm having a good time? It's been almost a week since I've interacted with some women and it felt good to goof around with them. It was also nice to be able to have somebody who really understands what I'm going through, because so are they. Amazing women. I'm sure we will meet again.
They took me to a tasty, yet very badly ran, Mexican restaurant/bar. We had to keep finding the waiter/waitresses to take our order, get more chips, and get our bill. They kept disappearing. It was weird. The great thing about this place was the group of biker dudes that were hanging out in the back. They gave us money for the jukebox AND bought all of our drinks. I could get used to this place. I really think the guy who kept talking to us was into Sophia. She's this beautiful, 6 foot something, African American woman. Rather intimidating. She choses to wear heels that make her even taller! What I love about her (and Jennifer) is that they both like to get all "blinged" out with their jewelry. My type of girls. After dinner, we went and bought even more accessories and also decided that I was their "project". I'm getting my hair "did" by them in the morning. OH MY GOD. LOL I feel like I'm on the show "The Swan" and they are taking this ugly duckling and pimping her out. SHOOT. What have I gotten myself into? They assured me that Eric will be so excited. I think they are more excited than I am about this, they can't wait to see the look on his face. I'm telling you, these two women are great!!!! I just hope I don't look like some sort of two-dollar hooker. I'm not letting them touch my face.
That's about it for the excitement today. Sorry this one was so late, but I was actually not hanging out alone for once, which was kind of nice. I'm looking forward to tomorrow, but I'm also sad because I don't know when I will see Eric again. How am I going to be able to afford to keep this up? I know that if I'm able to see him more often I can keep afloat. I need him in my life. He makes everything better. Anyone know a good federal lawyer who would work for free? I'm being pretty serious at this point.
I'm trying to look at it differently. At least his sentence doesn't have THAT much left. I think both Bones and Joe have about 7 years left and they've both been in for over ten! Isn't that crazy? Jennifer has been with Joe the whole time. I've been asking for advice from them, to help cope with this and I think it gets easier.... I'll get more into what I've been told tomorrow. Time for bed.
I have a long day tomorrow. I want to make it to Andrea's place by early afternoon on Tuesday, so tomorrow I will head to Yuma when I leave the prison at 3. That's about a 5 hour drive. Next stop. Disneyland. BooYA!
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