Tuesday, May 24, 2011

The Master Plan

One of the things I've really been working on is my habit of "planning". I'm your typical planner. I love to map things out, minute by minute. I make lists and mark things off when I finish my task. The worst part about this, is when my plan doesn't go the way it should, I start to freak out a little. Ask my friend Sam about when we were at the bank the other day. What should have been a quick deposit, turned into a twenty minute delay which made us get to lunch later than expected and in return made me late going back to work. Not that it mattered really, but I started to panic a little. I think I had to take a few breaths and tell myself that it was going to be okay. It's a problem that I'm willing to admit that I have.

So, my master plan. I'm referring to my trip. What is my plan? Well, first and foremost, there is none. The plan is to not really have a plan, but have places I need to be by a certain time, and allowing myself plenty of time to get there. Let's see I have to bullet this because that's an option here and I like "bullets". Just kidding. I tried the whole bullet thing and it didn't work out. Which is fine... Without further ado.....

When do I need to be where...

May 25th; 10:30 am
I must be at Just Teasin (my preferred hair and nail salon) for my pampering. You can't start out a road trip without good hair and nails.

May 27th / 28th Sun City AZ & Safford, AZ
I need to be in Safford, AZ by Friday night. The unofficial plan is to take two days to get to my parents winter home in Sun City West, Az by Thursday, get in my 12 mile run Friday morning and head to Safford that afternoon. My parents home is quite convenient here to visit Eric, only 3 hours away. Hooray for me!

May 31st - June 2 California :)
This is where I meet up with two of my girlfriends. Memri will be joining me for my very special 30th birthday extravaganza at Disneyland while Andrea is kind enough to let me sleep somewhere where there are no children. (I'm just joking about the no kids thing..... Andrea works A TON and the only way for me to see her is to sleep there and hopefully catch a glimpse, if I'm lucky)

*side note* I guess I need to let people know that I am very sarcastic. I also think things are funny when other people do not, which includes really inappropriate times during movies. Just thought I'd throw that out there so I don't have to keep reminding you that I'm J/K'ing :)

I like to call it my second home. Thanks to my father's profitable gambling habits, I've spent WAY TOO MUCH TIME HERE as a young adult. My first memory was being sixteen and my dad convincing me that I looked old enough to gamble. Great influence, but we can get into all the wonderful life lessons he's taught me, later. I can say that I actually know how to play some of the table games. I don't think I'm going to gamble much, but we will see. My father did just give me money for gas and I'm sure he'd be proud of me if I doubled it on the Pai Gow table..... I'll be in Vegas for my friend Rachel's bachelorette party. Let me tell you, there is nothing sexier then dressing like a trashy hooker and walking down the strip, barefoot, late at night, after street-dancing your ass off. You would have had to be there to understand. Vegas is great. Always one or two forgotten memories left behind.

After June 6th.....
Pretty open ended. Teryn will be meeting me in Vegas and we will drive back to Monterey, hopefully spending at least one night camping, if not two. I'll hang out with her for the better part of the week, if we don't drive each other nuts, we do that, but that's part of our love for one another, arguing, constantly. Bickering like two old ladies. I have a feeling that it wont be as bad this time. I've changed since we were together last, and I no longer worry about my husband (because I don't have one any more). I actually have opinions of my own. It's nice. I'm rambling. I will eventually say goodbye to Teryn and head up the coast VIA Portland, stay with Lynn for a night, convincing her to go on a run BEFORE we go to the bars and then be home by the 12th.

Sound like a plan? Sort of. We will see if I stick to it.

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